Are you searching for the perfect engagement ring? When it comes to proposing, what could signify your commitment to your loved one more in that special moment than a stunning diamond engagement ring? These beautiful pieces of jewellery are a blend of art and science and require expert precision and knowledge to craft.

In this blog, we’ll explore the intricacy and artisanry that go into creating each diamond engagement ring.

Diamond Engagement Rings – Timeless Beauty

Diamond engagement rings have long symbolised love and commitment. Their timeless beauty immediately grabs the attention of everyone who sees them, but few understand the intricate journey the gem has taken to get to that point.

Overview of the Diamond Cutting Process

There are several stages in the diamond-cutting process, each vital to ensuring clarity, beauty and value. These include diamond cleaving or sawing, diamond bruting, diamond faceting, and then polishing and setting the jewellery. Each step requires a deep understanding of the diamond’s characteristics and a high level of skill to enhance the stone’s natural qualities.

The Journey Begins: Sourcing Rough Diamonds

Before any kind of diamond cutting can begin, the stone first needs to be sourced. The journey of a diamond engagement ring starts deep within the earth, where the intense pressure and heat transform carbon into these stones. These rough diamonds are then mined and brought to the surface, where they can then be transformed.

Mining and Procuring Rough Diamonds

Rough diamonds are mined from various locations around the world, including Africa, Russia, Canada and Australia. The process of extracting these precious stones can vary depending on the conditions and type of mine, but generally, it involves open-pit or underground mining. Once extracted, they are then sorted and evaluated for their potential.

Initial Assessment and Selection

Once mined and above ground, the rough diamonds will be carefully assessed by experts to determine their size, shape, clarity and colour. This initial assessment is crucial, as it will determine which stones are suitable for cutting into diamond engagement rings, with only a small percentage deemed worthy enough for fine jewellery.

Planning and Designing the Perfect Cut

Before any form of diamond cutting can happen, the stone undergoes a process of careful planning and design. This is a critical step and requires the skill of an experienced cutter, who will decide where and how to cut the gem to maximise its value and beauty.

Mapping the Diamond

Mapping is the first step in the planning process and advanced technology, such as 3D laser scanners, is used to examine the internal structure. This mapping process helps to reveal inclusions and imperfections within the stone. It allows the cutter to determine the best way to cut it to minimise the flaws and maximise carat weight, symmetry and brilliance.

Choosing the Cut Style

Once the diamond has been mapped, the cutter will then decide on the style of cut. This will determine the overall shape and the facets will be worked to reflect light. The choice of cut is influenced by the stone’s natural shape, as well as the market demand for certain diamond shapes.

The Diamond Cutting Process

With a clear plan in place, it is time to start cutting the diamond. There are several steps in this process:

1. Cleaving or Sawing the Rough Diamond

The first step in the diamond cutting process is to divide the rough diamond into smaller, more manageable pieces. This is done through cleaving, where a groove is carved along the weakest point and a sharp blow is applied to split the stone, and sawing, which uses a diamond-tipped saw or laser to create cuts.

2. Bruting to Shape the Diamond

Diamond bruting, or girdling, is the process of creating the basic shape of the diamond by abrading or rubbing it against another diamond. To do this, both diamonds are set on spinning lathes which are made to turn in opposite directions, with the resulting friction creating a smooth, rounded stone.

3. Faceting: Adding the Sparkle

This is the step where the diamond begins to shine. The diamond faceting process involves cutting the diamond’s surface into small, flat planes called facets, which then reflect light and give the diamond its brilliance.

Creating the Crown:  The crown is the upper part of the diamond and where the majority of the light reflection occurs.

Shaping the Pavilion:  The pavilion is the lower part and plays an important role in determining how light is reflected within the stone.

Polishing: Bringing Out the Shine

Once the diamond faceting process is complete, the stone will then undergo a thorough process of polishing to ensure that it shines and is ready to be set into the diamond engagement ring.

Polishing the Facets

During polishing, each facet is carefully smoothed and refined to ensure it reflects light as effectively as possible. This step can take several hours and is crucial to ensuring both brilliance and value.

Inspecting and Grading the Finished Diamond

After polishing, the diamond is thoroughly inspected and graded based on its carat, cut, colour and clarity – the four C’s. This process will determine the diamond’s overall quality and market value, with a well-cut and polished diamond exhibiting brilliance, fire and scintillation.

Setting the Diamond in an Engagement Ring

With the diamond fully cut, polished and graded, it is ready to be set in a ring. This final stage is where the diamond will become part of a beautiful piece of jewellery.

Choosing the Ring Setting

The ring setting is an important consideration, impacting how it is secured in place and also its visual impact. The choice of metal will play a role in the overall design and appearance on how the stone will be set.

Crafting the Final Piece

The final step in creating a diamond engagement ring is the craftsmanship involved in assembling the ring. Expert jewellers carefully set the diamond into the chosen setting, ensuring that it is secure and positioned to maximise its brilliance. The ring is then polished to perfection, completing the transformation from rough stone to masterpiece.

Discover The Best Diamond Engagement Rings

When it comes to stunning and timeless diamond engagement rings, OM Gold & Diamonds is here to help you. We pride ourselves on offering customers exceptional quality jewellery that is perfect for your special moment. If you want to find out more, please contact us or view our range today!